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Urban Details / Nicosia Christmas Walking Tours
#6 Exploring Nicosia, a tour in the Russian Language / Christodoulos Pavlides
Do you really know Nicosia? Phaneromenis 70, in collaboration with the Deputy Ministry of Tourism, organises a series of guided tours around Nicosia! The tours are part of our ongoing cultural/anthropological programme titled “Urban Details” and are coordinated and supervised by the archaeologist and tour guide Antigoni Michael. Every tour will show you another hidden layer of Nicosia, and will make you look at the city from a new point of view!
All the tours will begin from our building in Phaneromeni’s square.
Christmas Walking Tour in Nicosia (in Russian) 28/12/2021
Are you ready for a tour of Nicosia in the Russian language!
The Deputy Ministry of Tourism and Phaneromenis 70 they are for sure!
Christodulos Pavlides, a licensed tour guide from the Cypriot Ministry of Tourism, who speaks Russian, English and Greek, will conduct a tour in Russian inside the Venetian Walls and introduce you to the capital of the island.
Meeting point: Phaneromenis 70
Date: 28 December 2021 / Tuesday
Starting time: 16:00 p.m.
Participants can give a contribution of €10 for the publications of Phaneromenis 70 here:
Language: Russian
Рождественский пеший тур по Никосии (на русском) 28/12/2021
Готовы ли вы к русскоязычной экскурсии по Никосии! Подинистерство туризма и Фанероменис 70 точно готовы!
Лицензированный экскурсовод кипрского подминистерство туризма Christodulos Pavlides, владеющий русским, английским, и греческим языками, проведет экскурсию на русском языке внутри Венецианских стен и познакомит с столицей острова.
Место встречи: Phaneromenis 70.
Дата: 28 декабря 2021 г. / вторник
Время начала: 16:00.
Участники смогут внести взнос в размере 10 евро на публикации Phaneromenis 70 здесь:
Язык: Русский
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